When you consult with me, you can expect:

  • A safe and welcoming environment to discuss your mental health concerns without judgment.

  • Clear communication about your diagnosis and treatment options.

  • An individualized treatment plan, whether it involves medication, therapy, or a combination of both.

  • Regular reviews and adjustments to ensure that your care evolves as your needs do.

I ask patients to request a referral from their treating doctor, who is often their GP, so that the most up-to-date and relevant information is available to support their assessment and management.

I am based at St. John of God Hospital, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, where I provide consultations and specialised treatments.

If you are a referring clinician, I understand the importance of timely and effective communication. I prioritise detailed assessments and clear, actionable recommendations to support your ongoing care for the patient.

For information on appointments, please call 01 2771496.